"something of an extraordinary nature will turn up..."

Mr. Micawber in Dickens' David Copperfield

Kit Foster's




Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

October 21st, 2009

From time to time, the guys over at the Hemmings Blog, one of the more inspired forms of journalism to emanate from the Green Mountain State, look at cars available for under $5,000. That seems to be about the minimum for a car that runs in which you’d dare to be seen. For people of….
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October 14th, 2009

In October, all roads lead to Hershey, and on the roads are lots of old cars. That’s because Hershey, Pennsylvania, hosts the world’s largest old car event, the Eastern Regional Fall Meet of the Antique Automobile Club of America. This was my 27th consecutive year. Hardly had I arrived than a saw an old acquaintance,….
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October 7th, 2009

“It may go, or it may not.” So said Mr. Bishop to Mr. Titus, and according to local legend that’s how Waterford, Connecticut’s, Mago Point got its name. Titus and Bishop, partners in the land company that bore their names, were developing a subdivision of 255 lots, each 25 feet wide by 100 deep, on….
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September 30th, 2009

When I was young the favorite fall activity was attending the Springfield Fair. Officially the Eastern States Exposition, it was (and is) a surrogate state fair for the six New England colonies, each of which is too tiny to mount a state fair of midwestern proportions. For reasons I cannot explain, I had never been….
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September 23rd, 2009

I seldom go to car shows these days. Somehow, rows upon rows of muscle cars or Corvettes leave me somewhat jaded. I’d rather spend my time pursuing some arcane corner of automotive history. Last Sunday, however, was the annual show put on by the Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce, not far from my Connecticut….
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September 10th, 2009

At first glance this may look like a Ford convertible without its skin. That’s because it is a Ford convertible without its skin – the very heart and soul of a Ford Sportsman, actually. It’s tempting to assume the Sportsman was a response to Chrysler’s wonderful wood Town & Country, but actually the T&C and….
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August 30th, 2009

One neat thing about the internet is the way it can put you in touch with friends you haven’t seen for many years. Not too long ago I heard from Midge Frueh Cortesi, whose father I used to work for in my Farmall era. We were able to share our memories of Falls Village, the….
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August 23rd, 2009

I thought I knew all the cars of the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s – I’d been carspotting ever since I could remember. But the summer I turned 16 I came across one I’d not seen before. The grille was like that of the 1940 Pontiac, but different, in an attractive sort of way. A look….
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August 13th, 2009

Few automakers are celebrating these days. General Motors virtually ignored the corporate the corporate centenary in 2008, and not a whimper has been heard of a 75th anniversary observance for Chrysler, be it Corporation or LLC. Ironically, the biggest bash has been reserved for what might be the least of them: the Morgan Motor Company….
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August 5th, 2009

The apocryphal low-mileage car that was “driven only to church on Sundays” is unlikely to be a sports car. It might, however, be a Morgan, for Morgans have a long history with the church. The marque’s founder, H.F.S. Morgan, was the son and grandson of clergymen, and he religiously returned to his birthplace each week….
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Serendipity: n. An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
“They were always making discoveries, by accident and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of.”
Horace Walpole, The Three Princes of Serendip
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